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Courage Community Foster Care offers foster and adoptive families for children who cannot live with their birth families for reasons such as abuse, neglect and abandonment. We promote the support and respect of the child’s family of origin throughout the foster care process, and work closely with the child’s professional team to ensure that safety and permanency is achieved.

Courage Community Foster Care encourages ongoing brain-based, trauma informed education so that our foster families may carry out what they came to foster care to do: help children heal. We connect our new foster families with our seasoned foster families in order to create a supportive network, because being a foster parent is quite possibly the most challenging role one can assume. We offer a stipend for each foster family to be reimbursed for anything that makes fostering easier- including things like date nights, babysitting, strollers, family memberships, and specialized training.

Courage Community Foster Care staff will help you through every part of the foster parenting experience: orientation, certification to become a foster parent, placement of foster children and meaningful support. Should our foster families elect to adopt, Courage Community Foster Care will help to facilitate this process, and to ensure that post adoption support networks are put into place.

Courage Community Foster Care Services


Dr. Gabor Mate
Empowered To Connect
Post Institute
Child Trauma Academy

OUR Gallery

We are not permitted to post images of children in foster care, but we would like to share our adoptions with you!

Colorado has many foster children needing placement, and too few foster homes to care for them

On any given business day, we receive referrals from five to twenty children needing to be placed in a foster home. Children of every age, ethnicity and circumstance are referred, from newborn to 20 years old. Most of our children are referred along with their siblings. All of the children referred for foster care are removed from their family’s care for reasons of abuse and/or neglect. The majority of our referrals for placement originate from the Denver Metro and Colorado Springs area, although we also work with rural communities such as Lake, Summit, Chaffee and Park Counties.