In Colorado Springs, Josh Skaggs, a dedicated single father and school teacher, has been recognized by the Colorado Department of Human Services for his exceptional commitment to fostering. This honor coincides with National Foster Care Month, emphasizing the urgent...
This is Megan’s story, I started this journey to be a foster mom because I have always had a heart to help children. I went to school to be an early childhood teacher, but one day thought these kids weren’t the kids God put on my heart to help. I found Courage...
We started our foster parent journey about 5 years ago. Originally we had been certified in Summit County, CO for 2 years without receiving any referrals for foster children. We where given Kerri’s information from our caseworker and recertified with Courage and...
My wife Bobbi and I had just moved to Colorado when we decided to foster. I went online and research how to start. Choosing the agency to work with was amazingly easy. I read Courage Foster Care Agency’s bio and placed the call. Once I spoke to Kerri it was...
We began fostering in 2012 when a family member’s children were taken into state care. We ended up adopting that child in 2014 and decided the need for families was too great to stop helping. We’ve since had 29 kids in our home and adopted two of them. We currently...
Our journey began in March of 2018, I stumbled upon Courage in my search for the perfect agency. I reached out to Kerri and my heart instantly felt connected to her when we spoke on the phone. My husband and I had attempted to build a family the traditional way for...
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