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When children enter foster care, adjusting to a new environment can be challenging. However, if they have their siblings with them, it becomes easier to adapt to the situation and surroundings. At Courage Community Foster Care, we are committed to discussing the significance of keeping siblings together during foster care in an upcoming blog post. Read on to explore why maintaining these connections is crucial.

Foster children have endured significant stress and hardships, making the bond they share with their siblings a vital source of security, safety, and support. Separating children from their siblings leads to additional loss and heightened feelings of anxiety and isolation as they face challenges alone.

Sibling relationships are enduring and pivotal, which is why it is imperative to prioritize keeping siblings together in foster care. By doing so, we empower them to cope better as they navigate these experiences collectively and find solace in comforting one another during this difficult time.

Enchanting Cascade, Colorado: A captivating view of the Cascade, Colorado landscape, where Courage Community Foster Care operates to make a difference.

Research has shown that foster children tend to settle and adjust well when they are placed with their siblings, especially those with a close emotional bond. Being together allows them to support and experience life together, helping them navigate the challenges and cope with the trauma caused by their biological families.

Caring for multiple children can be demanding for foster families. However, with reliable support from a foster agency like Courage Community Foster Care, you will receive the necessary training and assistance to become the best foster parents for your foster kids.

Fostering sibling groups can be a profoundly rewarding experience, as you’ll be there for every moment and shared experience, creating a sense of family. It’s important to note that a significant percentage of children and teenagers in the foster care system belong to sibling groups, and they should ideally remain together. Unfortunately, they often face separation, whether temporarily or permanently, due to various factors.

Younger children, in particular, struggle with adjusting to new environments, foster parents, schools, and schedules. Since they have already been separated from their biological families, maintaining their sibling connection becomes crucial.

The fear of being separated from their siblings can trigger feelings of anxiety, depression, insecurity, and loneliness, which foster children often struggle to express openly. By having their siblings by their side, establishing trust and communication with the foster family becomes easier and more effective.

Why are Sibling Relationships Important?

Post-Adoption Support Network: Illustrating the post-adoption support networks established by Courage Community Foster Care in Cascade, Colorado.

Lifelong Bonds

Sibling relationships are the longest-lasting connections a child can have, especially for those in foster care who have experienced disruptions in their biological families.

Siblings provide a sense of identity and belonging, playing a fundamental role in shaping who we are. Preserving these relationships is crucial, as young children and teenagers in foster care face significant emotional challenges, making the support of their siblings crucial.


Children and teenagers entering the foster care system often carry anxiety and trauma from their past experiences. They may have endured abuse in their birth homes, harbor guilt and regret for not being able to fix their family, and struggle with their identity due to separation from their biological relatives.

By staying together with their siblings, they can address some of these issues collaboratively. Having siblings who share their experiences and understand their situation provides valuable support for coping.

Easier Adjustment

When foster children have their brothers and sisters by their side, it facilitates their adaptation to the new environment and the presence of foster parents. Research indicates that siblings who remain together in foster care develop confidence in forming positive relationships within their foster homes.

Positive Outcomes

Studies within the foster care system have highlighted the positive impact of keeping siblings together. Foster children placed with their siblings exhibit improved behavior with peers, experience fewer behavioral and emotional issues, perform better academically, and develop a protective bond towards one another. These outcomes underscore the importance of sibling placement in fostering positive development.


Maintaining sibling groups together in foster care significantly enhances the permanency and stability of placements. This approach greatly facilitates the potential for reunification with biological families or adoption by the foster family.

When foster children and teenagers have the opportunity to remain with their siblings in foster care, it strengthens their sense of belonging and continuity, increasing the likelihood of achieving lasting and secure family connections.

What Challenges Do Sibling Groups Face in Foster Care?

Adoption Facilitation: Courage Community Foster Care's involvement in the adoption process in Cascade, Colorado, ensuring a smooth transition for children.

Sibling groups are often not kept together due to various challenges. For instance, a sibling group may consist of multiple children, and the available foster families may not have sufficient space, time, and resources to accommodate them all. Foster placements typically aim to keep 2 or 3 siblings together, as placing a larger number is usually not feasible.

Furthermore, these sibling groups often span different age ranges, posing an additional challenge for foster carers who may also have their own biological children at home. Meeting the diverse needs of several children at different stages can be demanding. Additionally, siblings may require different types of care. To address this situation, facilitating meetings between siblings to promote contact and communication becomes crucial, even when they are separated by the foster care system.

If you would like to learn more about fostering placements in Colorado, Courage Community Foster Care is here to provide information and support. Feel free to contact us to explore your options. If you are interested in fostering a sibling group, you can reach out to us through our contact form for further details.

Are you interested in fostering siblings in Colorado? You can depend on Courage Community Foster Care to guide you through the step-by-step process of fostering. If you need assistance or want to learn more about fostering siblings, feel free to reach out to us by calling 719-321-4319 or sending an email to

It’s important to choose a reliable foster agency like Courage Community Foster Care. Don’t wait any longer! Contact us as soon as possible! We are ready to assist you with legal matters and guide you through the step-by-step process of fostering.